This all sounds very whiny I think.
I kind of feel like I am Okay, and at the same time, I do feel like going on a three month sickleave, which I know will ruin my life, or at least my career. How far am I supposed to take this? How bad do I have to feel for it to be like; "hi, my name is Angela and I have hit the wall"? Because I mean, I do live and stuff. I am here and I am, well maybe not Okay, but something like that.
I do not think others live a life like this, and I know mine has never been this bad before. As my friend said to me yesterday, I put everyone else's needs before my own. I guess I do do that. Because I know there are so many people out there who has a worse life than me. And they aren't complaining, are they? Why should I get to be sad and exhausted and ill, when they're not?
It's like, yeah, my life totally sucks, but why should I bother everyone else about it? Why do others have to pay for my mistakes, when I am kind of capable of doing that myself? I want to tell myself to get myself together, I just can’t be bothered. Still, here I am, writing this right now, maybe posting it on the big old Internet. Maybe.
Det er alltid lov å vere trist, sliten og sjuk, uansett om andre måtte ha det verre eller betre så handlar det ikkje om det i dette augeblikket, det handlar om deg og at du fortener å verte tatt vare på eller at du tar vare på deg sjølv. Eg håper du får det betre og eg er glad i deg.