Wednesday, August 8, 2012


The second I saw these photos, I just sat there and thought "WOW!" They are tintype portraits, created by Michael Schindler. He has a tintype-store in San Francisco called Photobooth where he photographs people and creates the images on tintype-plates.

"I prepare each tintype plate by hand and make a single exposure of each person (occasionally two, if I make a mistake). The tintype is processed immediately so the subject can walk out the door with it about 15 minutes later", he writes on his Béhance page. To me it is something about the eyes, they seem so real! (And how many times have I written "tintype" now?!)

More of Michael Shindler's work here!


  1. Love it! Noe ala Daguerrotypi og denslags :) Hadde vært sykt kult å gjøre noe sånt selv!

  2. Ååå. Elsker det!

  3. Så utrolig kult! Elske at detaljene i ansiktet vise så godt (:
