Monday, July 16, 2012


Honestly, I kind of knew what to expect... I spent a year abroad where I didn't understand much of the first semester – and even worse; didn't understand that I was lost. At midnight the results were due and I prepared myself to have a quite shitty day after this. I had made plans to work on a creative project and kept thinking of ways to keep my motivation up during the day. Then, Notification Centre alerted me about a new e-mail that had arrived.

My heart stopped, my body froze and I had to actively calm myself down. This was not like at the Creative School of Norway, this was I T ! The final result of my Bachelor-degree (with Honours, whatever that means?). The end. The one time I have been more surprised than this, was when my colleagues had a surprise-party for me, but right now I was shocked! I passed, and I passed better than I could imagine.

I want to thank my tutors, because even if "I did all the work", it would never have happened without them pushing me there. I know some people, sometimes myself including, felt like Solent didn't "teach us anything" – but I have learned so much about myself as a designer the last year and I do not regret a thing from my time abroad. Hopefully some of you are reading this, and if you are; Chris Bigg, Ben Freeman and Paul Shakespeare – you are awesome and thank you! To the rest of you: Congratulations on your degree! I am so looking forward to going back to Southampton for graduation in November!

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